Couleur Org

RGB Cube  v.1. 1. 2001

This software displays the RGB cube transformation in different color spaces (RGB, XYZ, xyY, I1I2I3, UVW, LSLM, L*a*b*, L*u*v*, LHC, HSV, HSV Polar, CMY, HSI, HSI Polar, LHS, YUV, YIQ).

ColorSpace  v.1. 1. 2001

ColorSpace and RGBCube are made freely available to promote knowledge of color. ColorSpace and RGBCube are 'research-grade' rather than commercial-quality softwares; they are used in color science teaching. SDK  v.3. 3. 9567 is a freeware office suite that contains all the functions available in MS office and much more. The latest version is 2.4. The Software Development Kit is similar to that of Microsoft visual studio.  v.3. 3. 9567

Sun has developed a software for those in need of something similar to Microsoft Office. As part of a growing open source and free software community, it brings to us this suite office with GPL license.  v.0.9.5

Features is a Java based application to receive AIS information from vessels. Freeais.  v.1.0.4 is a client program that connects to the service of the same name, in order to search for possibly related programs to open a given file extension.  v.2.0 helps you create cool web buttons and menus based on css with ease. Free! It's very easy to create professional high-quality Win7, iPhone, Vista, XP, Glossy web buttons with the help of Free Web Buttons.

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